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Smart & Skilled Program

What is Smart & Skilled?
Smart and Skilled Program is a comprehensive reform of the Vocational Education & Training (VET) system in NSW and it started on 1st of January 2015. It affects all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), including Community Colleges & training organisations.

What does it mean for you?
From January 2015 the NSW Government will be offering subsidised training places under the Smart and Skilled policy. Eligible individuals will have an entitlement to select qualifications up to and including Certificate III. There may be targeted programs for Certificate IV and above.

Are you eligible?
You may be eligible for subsidised training if you:

  • Are an Australian citizen, permanent resident or humanitarian visa holder
  • Are aged 15 years or older
  • Live or work in NSW
  • Have left school and have no previous qualifications at Certificate IV or higher.

How much will it cost to enrol in training?
The NSW Government has set the fees. The government subsidy plus the student fee is the cost of the qualification. Only full qualifications are subsidised under the entitlement model.

  • Students will pay a set fee for each qualification regardless of the training organisation enrolled in. There will be only one fee, even if it takes more than a year to complete your training, or traineeship, regardless of when you start.
  • Students enrolling in higher level qualifications will pay more than lower level qualifications.
  • Concession fees and exemptions will apply to:
    1. Aboriginal
    2. Torres Strait Islander people
    3. Students with a disability
    4. Students who are welfare recipients.